Orlando,Miranda Kerr Wedding Photos,News,Pictures

Miranda Kerr wedding photos,Miranda Kerr marriage pictures,Orlando Bloom wedding pictures,Orlando Bloom marriage photos,Miranda Kerr wedding dress,Miranda Kerr wedding pictures,Miranda Kerr wedding photos,Miranda Kerr marriage pictures

Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr has married her long time boyfriend Orlando Bloom (Pirates Of The Caribbean star ). Upscale Australian department store David Jones, which employs the 27-year-old Australian model as a fashion ambassador, said she will not attend a Spring season launch on August 3 because she was honeymooning with the 33-year-old British star of Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean.

Hopefully we'll get more details and Photos from the newlyweds soon, but until then big congrats to Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom!

We will Update Wedding Photos Soon .....


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